Sunday, October 30, 2011

Egyptian Goose brood

The Round Pond in Kensington Gardens has a very late brood of Egyptian Geese. This pair has produced three broods this year.

Fish Eye view

I used my compact Canon G12 in 'fish-eye' mode for this shot of a tourist feeding the swans in central London.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Richmond Park Deer

Some more images of Red and Fallow Deer last weekend at Richmond.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Grey Herons portraits: preening and exfoliating

I spent several hours with these herons, initially creeping in short stages through the grass until I had positioned them against dark woodland. After a while they always ignore me, settle down to sleep and often start preening. There has to be some trust before they begin preening as they often close their eyes or position their head in such a way that I remain out of their vision. Most of these shots are full frame, some with slight trimming of the black background.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Richmond Deer: Dawn till Dusk

Saturday, Richmond Park... here is one of the first photographs of the day in the cool mist and morning frost, followed by one of the last after a warm afternoon, ending with rich sunset colours.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Friday, October 07, 2011

Indian Summer Rut

I made a short visit to Richmond last weekend while the week-long 'summer' of blue skies in the south-east hit 29C. The Red Deer were taking it easy in the shade until late in the day when the territorial battles commenced. I concentrated on getting some shots of stags showing some accidental ornamentation.