A calmer day today after yesterday's gales, I went down to Ayr to photograph the Iceland Gull. We parked at Ayr college and had a quick look for Goosanders on the River Ayr. While I was checking the gulls flying overhead, my dad spotted a Common Seal surfacing below the rapids. This is a fair way upriver from the sea (maybe a mile and a half from the outer harbour wall) and must be in completely freshwater. It started to bounce it's way ashore on the far bank. We thought it may have been sick but after we rushed over the bridge to the far shore it was soon back in the water after it saw us peering over the wall.
An early Christmas present today more than made up for last weekend’s wasted trip. Nine days after the Ivory Gull was last seen, the bird’s finder, Archie McIntosh, amazingly refound the bird several miles to the north at Loans near Troon. Thanks to Angus Hogg for phoning me with the news! Initially this Arctic gull was showing fairly distantly for slr photography but it allowed me to slowly approach to within several metres for full fame shots. The bird fed on worms from the flooded muddy area in the goose field. It seemed totally oblivious as more birders arrived and just walked across the field and right up to it!
Larger versions of photographs from the last few days will be uploaded to my main websites after the holidays. Images are available for sale from £2.00 for a 600 pixel jpeg. Both gulls are full frame shots, the Barrow’s nearly so. Please e-mail me at frasersimpson74@hotmail.com before 3 January 2007 and webmaster@fssbirding.org.uk thereafter.

Travelled up to Ayrshire on the overnight bus on Friday night for a wasted trip to see the (now departed) Ivory Gull. Seven hours searching around Greenan, Ayr and Coylton turned up nothing. Had to go back to London the same day as Lisa had already booked her bus to come down and visit. And so, a blog entry with no photographs but a resolution for 2007; Don't wait until the weekend...Here are some other non-avian photos on my other blog Luminous Nature
Visited my sister and brother-in-law in Cambridge last weekend and thereby acquired a lift to Snettisham (thanks Ruth!) – my first visit here. Amazingly there is still a Little Auk present (since early November) on the pits though keeping distant from the hides. The Black-eared Kite was present though not really tickable with the views we had.