Friday, April 26, 2013

Ayrshire Bird Report 2011

The 2011 edition of the Ayrshire Bird Report is now available. Essential reading for anyone visiting the county, it contains the most important bird sightings recorded in 2011 as well as informative articles on Ayrshire's avifauna. It is published by the Ayrshire Branch of the SOC (Scottish Ornithologists' Club). Details: 128 pages with eight full-colour inner pages of photographs, plus 16 pieces of artwork and 14 black and white photos. Please visit the Ayrshire Birding website for details of how to obtain your copy or e-mail me.

Fraser Simpson (Compiler & Editor)

Editorial by Fraser Simpson 
Pallid Harrier in Ayrshire by Gordon McAdam 
The Kestrel in Ayrshire 2011 by Gordon Riddle 
Sparrowhawk Breeding Details 2011 by Ian Todd 
River Ayr Dippers – Breeding Details 2011 by Ian Todd 
Chronological Summary by Angus Hogg 
Systematic List compiled by Fraser Simpson 
Recent Rarities & Scarcities in Ayrshire by Dave Grant, Pete McEwan, Angus Hogg 
Gazetteer of Sites in Ayrshire compiled by Fraser Simpso
Checklist of Ayrshire Birds compiled by Angus Hogg & Fraser Simpson

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Sounds of breeding egrets

Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis) with nesting material

Earlier this month I was on a field trip based around Zahara de los Atunes in south west Spain. One morning before breakfast I was able to visit a growing heronry/rookery with an estimated 400 pairs of Cattle Egrets, 10's of pairs of Little Egret, and around 10 pairs of Glossy Ibis, all busy incubating or nest-building. A number of Black-crowned Night Herons are probably breeding there too though are a lot more elusive and crepuscular. Spoonbills were also observed flying low over this breeding colony. I had my short/slow lens with me but managed some records shots (the light is great this far south!). I also made some sound recordings of both Cattle and Little Egrets. These are normally fairly silent birds - that is until you hear them en masse at a breeding colony!

Little Egret (Egretta garzetta)

Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis)

Eurasian Spoonbill (Platalea leucorodia)

Black-crowned Night Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax)