I've uploaded some more sounds and sonograms from Estonia to my main site including Red-necked Grebe, White-backed Woodpecker, Wood Sandpiper, Great Bittern, Little Ringed Plover, Fieldfare, Icterine Warbler & Great Reed Warbler. www.fssbirding.org.uk/sonagrams.htm
Wood Sandpiper (Tringa glareola) Männikjärve raba, Estonia 58º 52' 33.2'' N 26º 14' 50.4'' E 22 May 2010, 0837h Territorial song uttered during display flight over bog pools and stunted scots pines.
These photographs are almost contrary to the images most people try to obtain of birds: sharp, in focus, fairly big in the frame, good colour and lighting (and possibly more exciting subjects!). For a change I thought about disregarding most of these guidelines or ideals to create almost painterly-like images based more on imagination and less on an ideal perception of how a bird photograph should look. The images below were all made using the camera controls and hand-held techniques (with exposures as slow as 1/13) at the time of shooting. The only post-processing involved conversion to black and white and slight changes in clarity of the RAW file.