Sunday, February 24, 2008

Drum 'n' oak base

Great Spotted Woodpecker: territorial drumming on mature Oak, c1 metre from ground, 11 strikes in c0.5 seconds, 0755h, 24/02/08, Sunny Hill Park, North London (also Robin song at 8kHz).

Green Woodpecker: territorial 'yaffle' in Cedar, c3 metres from ground; 9 'rings' at 2 kHz, the inital one lower, followed by 8 descending, (series of 'harmonics ' at roughly 4, 6 & 8kHz with background Chaffinch calls); 0800h, 24/02/08, Sunny Hill Park, North London

Goldcrest: territorial song in Cedar, c3 metres from ground, c5 high-pitched cycles followed by rising, then falling terminal trill, 0725h, 24/02/08, Sunny Hill Park, North London.

Wren: territorial song from bramble scrub, c1 metre from ground, 0635h, 24/02/08, Sunny Hill Park, North London.

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