Monday, September 08, 2008

Ayrshire Bird Report 2007

The 2007 edition of the Ayrshire Bird Report, incorporating the Ayrshire Butterfly Report, will be available soon priced at £4. Essential reading for anyone visiting the county in south-west Scotland, it contains the most important bird and butterfly sightings recorded last year as well as informative articles on Ayrshire's avifauna. It is published by the Ayrshire Branch of the SOC (Scottish Ornithologists' Club).

The Birds of the Hunterston Area: early years to1968
Ayrshire's Historical Roookeries

The Kestrel in Ayrshire 2007
Sparrowhawk Breeding Details 2007
Chronological Summary
Systematic List

Recent Rarities in Ayrshire
Ayrshire Butterfly Report 2007

It can be purchased from: The Bookshelf, Newmarket Str, Ayr; The Tourist Information Centre, Sandgate, Ayr; and Lochwinnoch RSPB Nature Reserve. Copies can also be obtained from treasurer Dick Vernon, 29 Knoll Park, Ayr, KA7 4RH ; postage now is 70p. Please send a cheque payable to the 'Ayrshire Bird Report'. Please visit the Ayrshire Birding website for further details or e-mail me.

Fraser Simpson (Editor)
September 2008

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