Saturday, August 22, 2009

Urban Birding in a South American Capital

A brief one-night stopover in Lima before the flight to Tarapoto allowed a brief visit to the Museo de Historia Natural and a walk around the Parque de la Reserva in the Lince and Lima districts. Along the bustle of Av. Arequipa, congested with collectivos, the small warszewiczi race of Scrub Blackbird with its loud song was one of the few species heard above the traffic but a closer look revealed many species including Amazilia Hummingbird, Southern Beardless Tyrannulet, House Wren, Blue-and-White Swallow, Long-tailed Mockingbird, Bananaquit, American Kestrel, Croaking Ground Dove, Eared Dove, Western Peruvian Dove, Vermillion Flycatcher, Tropical Kingbird, feral flocks of Canary-winged Parakeets and Red-masked Parakeets, and Blue-gray Tanangers. Many American Black Vultures were watching overhead. The best surprise though was the flock of six Puna Ibis, probably heading to the wetlands of the Pantanos de Villa - somewhere I should try and get to on my way back at the end of the trip.

1 comment:

Warren Baker said...

Don't know what any of those birds you mentioned look like, but they sound good!!