Having cleaned up on Heliconius pardalinus on our first day, we decided to do a three day boat trip from Yarinacocha to Caño Chashuya, near Calleria (a Shipibo Indian village) on the east side of the Ucayali river. The boat trip was nine hours each way to our ‘base camp’ called Casa de Anaconda (good for Ithomiine butterflies). This allowed many hours of relaxed birding, though rather manic counting, and 100 species were noted without really pausing. Here are the best counts in ascending order from either the outbound or return river journeys. Large-billed Tern (726+), Western Great Egret (600+), Wattled Jacana (265+), Black Vulture (200+), Greater Yellowlegs (200+), Lesser Yellowlegs (200+), Plumbeous Kite (174), Chestnut-bellied Seedeater (164+), Yellow-billed Tern (132+), Pectoral Sandpiper (100+), Sand Martin (79), Collared Plover (71), Southern Rough-winged Swallow (65), Swallow-winged Puffbird (61), Black-necked Stilt (52), White-winged Parakeet (45), White-winged Swallow (39), Wood Stork (34), Yellow-headed Caracara (31), Amazon Kingfisher (29), Greater Ani (27), Ringed Kingfisher (27), Neotropic Cormorant (24), Lesser Kiskadee (24), Tropical Kingbird (24), Eastern Kingbird (18), Turkey Vulture (14), Spotted Sandpiper (14), Smooth-billed Ani (14), Russet-backed Oropendola (14), Roadside Hawk (13), Pied Plover (12), Oriole Blackbird (12), Ruddy Ground Dove (11), Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture (10), Blue-and-white Swallow (10), Silver-beaked Tanager (10), Snowy Egret (9), Black-collared Hawk (9), Barn Swallow (9), Great Black Hawk (7), Tui Parakeet (6), Social Flycatcher (6), White-banded Swallow (6), Yellow-rumped Cacique (6), Red-capped Cardinal (6), Caqueta Seedeater (6), Swallow-tailed Kite (5), Stilt Sandpiper (5), Brown-chested Martin (5), Yellow-hooded Blackbird (5), Blue Ground Dove (4), Chestnut-fronted Macaw (4), Neotropical Palm Swift (4), Great Kiskadee (4), Cocoi Heron (3), Buff-breasted Sandpiper (3), Ruddy Pigeon (3), Jabiru (2), Striated Heron (2), Western Cattle Egret (2), Slate-colored Hawk (2), Black Caracara (2), Solitary Sandpiper (2), Black Skimmer (2), Blue-winged Parrotlet (2), Festive Amazon (2), Mealy Amazon (2), Ladder-tailed Nightjar (2), Green Kingfisher (2), Black-fronted Nunbird (2), Drab Water Tyrant (2), Pied Water Tyrant (2), Short-crested Flycatcher (2), Grey-breasted Martin (2), Yellow-browed Sparrow (2), Blue-black Grassquit (2); and singles of Great Tinamou, Horned Screamer, Rufescent Tiger Heron, Capped Heron, Greater Yellow-headed Vulture, Western Osprey, Bat Falcon, Sunbittern, Sanderling, Grey-fronted Dove, Striped Owl, Sand-colored Nighthawk, Yellow-tufted Woodpecker, Pale-legged Hornero, Vermilion Flycatcher, White-headed Marsh Tyrant, Grey-capped Flycatcher, Boat-billed Flycatcher, Black-capped Donacobius, Giant Cowbird, Shiny Cowbird, Magpie Tanager, and a Pale-winged Trumpeter (probably a pet bird from a Shipibo village).

1 comment:
I think you are trying to make us all so envious of all these great birds you have seen so effortlessly. Lucky you!! :-)
superb photos too! I love them all!!
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